1st and 2nd Conditional Sentences – Statements – Grammar Exercise 9


Task No. 140
Put in the verbs in brackets and form 1st or 2nd Conditional sentences. Pay attention to the verbs in CAPITALS.

This task tests your understanding about Conditional Sentence.

If you want to learn about this topic before doing this exercise you can visit :

Conditional Sentence

Fill the blank box to answer the questions.

Question 1

If I WERE you, I (to invite) Jake to the party.

Question 2

Sean (to cut) the grass for his mother if she BAKES him a cake for tea.

Question 3

She WOULD GET 100 euros if she (to sell) this old picture.

Question 4

We (to pass) the exam if we STUDIED harder.

Question 5

If you HELP me with my homework, I (to wash) the dishes for you.

Question 6

If it (to rain), we WILL STAY at home.

Question 7

If the weather fine, the children CAN GO to the beach.

Question 8

My friend WILL BE happy if I (to invite) him to the cinema.

Question 9

If Dad (to repair) the car, we COULD GO on a trip to the seaside.

Question 10

If they HAD enough money, they (to buy) a flat.

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