Adverbs of Frequency – Grammar Exercise


Task No. 169
Do the exercise by choosing the correct answer. This task tests your understanding about Adverbs of Frequency.

If you want to learn about this topic before doing this exercise you can visit :

Adverbs of Frequency

Choose the correct answer of the questions below.

Question 1

Andrea lives next door so we _____ see her.

Question 2

_____ we take the dog off his leash at the beach.

Question 3

My sister __________ two days of school in a row.

Question 4

We meet _____ at the Annual General Meeting.

Question 5

Andy [10%] __________ gets to visit with his cousins.

Question 6

Nancy and I [30%] _____ go out for coffee together.

Question 7

It [0%] _____ rains here in the summer.

Question 8

I don't earn much because I __________ .

Question 9

My boyfriend and I take vacations together quite _____ .

Question 10

My doctor __________ .

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