Comparison of Adjectives – Grammar Exercise 3


Task No. 105
Put in the adjective from the first part of the sentence into the second part in its correct form (comparative or superlative).

This task tests your understanding about Degrees of Comparison. If you want to learn about this topic before doing this exercise you can visit :

What is Degrees of Comparison?
Adjective; Definition and Example

Fill the blank box to answer the questions.

Question 1

A horse is heavy. An elephant is much than a horse.

Question 2

We have only little time to do this, but tomorrow we'll have even time.

Question 3

Susan has a beautiful baby, but my baby is the on earth.

Question 4

I live in a large house, but my brother lives in a house.

Question 5

Jake is a successful business man, but his brother is than Jake.

Question 6

Today is cold, but yesterday was the this year.

Question 7

Petra is clever, but Susan is than Petra.

Question 8

My dad has a loud voice, but my mother's voice is than my dad's.

Question 9

Spain is sunny. Do you know the place in Europe?

Question 10

The maths test was difficult, but biology test was .

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