Grammar Exercise – Irregular Verbs


Task No. 181
Do the exercise by choosing the correct answer. This task tests your understanding about Irregular Verbs.

If you want to learn about this topic before doing this exercise you can visit :

Irregular Verbs

Choose the correct answer of the questions below.

Question 1

Have you ever ______________ a movie star?

Question 2

Have you ______________ your lost dog yet?

Question 3

But we heard everything she ______________ .

Question 4

We went shopping and I ______________ a new pair of jeans.

Question 5

Mum taught our sisters how to cook, but she didn't ______________ us.

Question 6

I used to ______________ a lot of money, but I don't make much now.

Question 7

We were really surprised when we ______________ the game.

Question 8

Did you ______________ well last night?

Question 9

She spoke too softly. I couldn't ______________ her.

Question 10

We thought we would ______________ for sure.

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