Grammar Exercise – Personal Pronouns


Task No. 175
Do the exercise by choosing the correct answer. This task tests your understanding about Personal Pronouns.

If you want to learn about this topic before doing this exercise you can visit :

Personal Pronouns; Definition and Example

Choose the correct answer of the questions below.

Question 1

The personal pronoun "they" is in the ______ case.

Question 2

Which is correct? "Dark clouds mean ______ could rain any minute."

Question 3

Which number is the personal pronoun "you"?

Question 4

The only word ever used as a 2nd person personal pronoun is

Question 5

Which sentence contains the singular 1st person subject pronoun?

Question 6

Which sentence contains the plural 3rd person object pronoun?

Question 7

Which pronoun should not be used in this sentence? "Soon after the ship left, _______ sank."

Question 8

Which gender is the personal pronoun "her"?

Question 9

To use the correct personal pronoun, we may need to know the number, person, gender and/or _______ of the noun it's replacing.

Question 10

Which is correct? "Joe drove Mary and _______ home."

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