Grammar Exercise – What is a Determiner?


Task No. 177
Do the exercise by choosing the correct answer. This task tests your understanding about Determiners.

If you want to learn about this topic before doing this exercise you can visit :

Determiners; Definition and Example

Choose the correct answer of the questions below.

Question 1

"Would you like both cakes, or just this one?" Which are the determiners?

Question 2

"I'll have a coffee without milk, please." How many determiners are there?

Question 3

In noun phrases, a determiner is often

Question 4

"Is this pen yours?" Which is the determiner?

Question 5

Can a noun phrase have more than one determiner?

Question 6

Determiners are words that limit or "determine"

Question 7

"All my friends were there." How many determiners are there?

Question 8

Determiners are one of the nine

Question 9

Which words are determiners?

Question 10

"I'll have these two donuts, please." How many determiners are there?

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