Relative Clauses – Grammar Exercise 2


Task No. 134
Choose the correct pronoun – WHO, WHICH or WHERE from the multiple choice menu. This task tests your understanding about Relative Pronouns.

If you want to learn about this topic before doing this exercise you can visit :

Relative Pronouns

Choose the correct answer of the questions below.

Question 1

We are going to a shop -------- they sell old records.

Question 2

He still can't ride the bike -------- he bought last year.

Question 3

He is the man -------- bought my car.

Question 4

Who ate the cake -------- was on the table?

Question 5

Is he the man -------- fixes your car?

Question 6

We visited the university -------- I studied.

Question 7

Do you know the man -------- cuts my hair?

Question 8

Do you know the man -------- died last night?

Question 9

That is the house -------- I used to live.

Question 10

Where are the letters -------- you wrote yesterday?

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