Adjective or Adverb – Grammar Exercise 2


Task No. 107
Choose the correct adverb or adjective to complete these sentences.

This task tests your understanding about Adverb. If you want to learn about this topic before doing this exercise you can visit :

Adverb; Definition and Example

Fill the blank box to answer the questions.

Question 1

She seems to be a very ( live / lively ) child.

Question 2

He tried ( hard / hardly ) in order to succeed.

Question 3

His eldest son is a ( total / totally ) failure.

Question 4

They went ( deep / deeply ) into the forest.

Question 5

He complained to me in a ( coward / cowardly ) manner.

Question 6

She ( near / nearly ) fainted when she heard the bad news.

Question 7

I expected the book to be boring, but it tuned out to be ( pretty / prettyly ) interesting.

Question 8

The magazine comes out ( week / weekly )

Question 9

Which of his films do you like ( most/mostly )

Question 10

My sister is ( deep /deeply ) in love with him.

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