Adjective or Adverb – Grammar Exercise 3


Task No. 108
Rewrite the word in brackets as adverb or adjective.

This task tests your understanding about Adverb. If you want to learn about this topic before doing this exercise you can visit :

Adverb; Definition and Example

Fill the blank box to answer the questions.

Question 1

Susan is a girl. (beautiful)

Question 2

The baby is crying . (loud)

Question 3

It's a day today. (love)

Question 4

Peter is a footballer. (good)

Question 5

She plays the piano . (good)

Question 6

He is a driver. (danger)

Question 7

She walks home. (quick)

Question 8

You can answer this question. (easy)

Question 9

The children are loud today. (terrible)

Question 10

He drives the car . (danger)

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