Comparative Adjectives – Grammar Exercise


Task No. 164
Do the exercise by choosing the correct answer. This task tests your understanding about What is Degrees of Comparison?.

If you want to learn about this topic before doing this exercise you can visit :

What is Degrees of Comparison? – Definition and Example

Choose the correct answer of the questions below.

Question 1

Many adjectives are changed into the comparative form by adding

Question 2

Which is correct? "Do you think Maria is _______ than Selena?"

Question 3

Which is correct? "English is _______ Japanese."

Question 4

Which is the correct comparative form? "My phone's expensive, but Joe's is _______ ."

Question 5

Which is not a comparative form of the adjective "clever"?

Question 6

Comparative adjectives are used when comparing _______ things, people or groups.

Question 7

Which is correct? "This year the weather is ______ than last year."

Question 8

Which is the comparative form? "I'm strong, but my brother is _______ ."

Question 9

Which is comparative? "Whose English is _______? Mine or his?"

Question 10

A long adjective of 3 or more syllables is changed into a comparative adjective by

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