Grammar Exercise – Determiners


Task No. 178
Do the exercise by choosing the correct answer. This task tests your understanding about Determiner.

If you want to learn about this topic before doing this exercise you can visit :

Determiners – Complete Explanation

Choose the correct answer of the questions below.

Question 1

The dogs were _____ given a bone.

Question 2

She got her license without _____ problems.

Question 3

She was wearing a bracelet on __________ wrist.

Question 4

Is there any milk left in _____ fridge?

Question 5

Don't look directly at _____ sun.

Question 6

Lisa saw _____ shooting star yesterday.

Question 7

I need to pack _____ apple for my lunch.

Question 8

I always keep _____ money in my wallet for emergencies.

Question 9

He went with __________ younger sisters.

Question 10

The police spoke separately to _____ suspect.

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