Active or Passive – Grammar Exercise 11


Task No. 142
Do the exercise by choosing the correct answer. This task tests your understanding about Active and Passive Sentence.

If you want to learn about this topic before doing this exercise you can visit :

Active and Passive Sentence

Choose the correct answer of the questions below.

Question 1

It would have been fixed at the weekend.

Question 2

I washed my car three weeks ago.

Question 3

The money was stolen.

Question 4

The librarian read the book to the students.

Question 5

I ate a piece of chocolate cake.

Question 6

They are paid on Fridays.

Question 7

I will introduce you to my boss this week.

Question 8

The national anthem is being sung by Jason this time.

Question 9

His hair was cut by a professional.

Question 10

The movie is being made in Hollywood.

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