Relative Clauses – Grammar Exercise 1


Task No. 133
Choose the correct pronoun – WHO, WHICH or WHERE from the multiple choice menu

This task tests your understanding about Relative Clauses. If you want to learn about this topic before doing this exercise you can visit :

Relative Pronouns

Choose the correct answer of the questions below.

Question 1

This is the place -------- I first met your mother.

Question 2

The man -------- lives in that house is very old.

Question 3

The milk -------- is in the cupboard is fresh.

Question 4

There is a film at the cinema -------- you might like.

Question 5

This is the building -------- the murder happened.

Question 6

The clown -------- is wearing the red shirt is very funny.

Question 7

Turn left at the big house -------- is opposite the police station.

Question 8

She lives in a village -------- has no shops.

Question 9

The tree -------- is growing in the garden is a cherry tree.

Question 10

A dentist is a person -------- looks after teeth.

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